âThe 2018 Provincial Follow Up Meeting was held under the auspices of Crane Lodge of Mark Master Masons No.1157 on 15th October at the Dymchurch Masonic Centre.
As well as investing a number of worthy recipients with Provincial Mark Grand Rank and Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank, the Provincial Grand Master was pleased to present Robinson Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners 255 with the Mark Benevolent Fund Diamond Award, a truly outstanding achievement.
Yet even more important was that the Lodge welcomed a new member, Bro Chris Gogarty. The ceremony was carried out in an excellent manner by the Immediate Past Master, WBro Colin Walker, who had stepped into the Chair and delivered a ceremony, of which anyone would be envious. The event was also exceptional as the acting Junior Warden was none other than the Grand Junior Warden, RW Bro John Edgcumbe.
Another most enjoyable event in the Kent Mark calendar and an excellent reminder of why we are known as the friendly degree. Many congratulations to Bro Chris, to Robinson Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners 255 and to everyone invested with provincial honours.