Our 2021 Annual meeting was held, unusually, on a Friday – 24th September 2021 at Bromley’s Oakley House.
Provincial Grand Lodge was opened in due form by the Presiding Officer, R.W.Bro. Roger Croucher, Past Provincial Grand Master.
The Installing Officer, M.W.Bro. Raymond John Smith, Pro Grand Master, accompanied by his Assisting Officers entered in procession, assumed the Chair, and appointed his Officers.
The Installing Officer, having been saluted, welcomed Brethren and addressed them as to the purpose of the meeting. He was then pleased to obligate, invest and install Peter David Williams as Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master.
The Provincial Grand Master then appointed Worshipful Brother Perri Ahmet, P.G.J.D. as Deputy Provincial Grand Master and Worshipful Brothers David William Walter Stiff, P.G.S.D., and Martyn Brian Summers, P.G.S.D., as Assistant Provincial Grand Masters.
The Provincial Grand Master addressed and thanked the Installing Officer who then retired in procession.
After the business of Provincial Grand Lodge had been concluded, the R.W. Provincial Grand Master congratulated the active Provincial Grand Officers for the ensuing year. Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed in due form and the Provincial Grand Master retired in procession accompanied by his Provincial Officers and the many guests of the Province.
After refreshments the Brethren of the Province and their guests enjoyed a most convivial lunch together.