Saturday 27th January witnessed two significant events in the life of Canterbury’s St Vincent Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No.262.
Firstly, the Installation of W.Bro. Robert “Bob” Mitchell as Commander, the third time that he has held the Office, in the presence of V.W.Bro. Ivor Spencer P.G.J.O. – Representative of the Provincial Grand Master and W.Bro. Martyn Summers – Deputy Provincial Grand Master.
Secondly, the celebration of W.Bro. Brian Woodman’s 50th year as a Royal Ark Mariner, which was the reason that W.Bro. Martyn attended the meeting unannounced.
Having been Advanced in Canterbury’s Cantwara-Byrig Lodge of Mark Master Masons No.1168 in 1971, (where he is now an honorary member), W.Bro Brian was Elevated in the City’s St Vincent Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners in 1974. He was Installed as Worshipful Commander in 1986 and subsequently Scribe in 2006, which office he still holds.
He was Appointed to P.A.G.St.B. in 1999, Promoted to P.G.J.D. in 2015 and subsequently Appointed to R.A.M.G.R. in 1996.
Being a keen allotment keeper, as well as presenting him with his richly deserved 50 Year Certificate from The Grand Master’s Royal Ark Council, Martyn gave Brian a special personal gift comprising of a bucket filled with allotment goodies including plants, fertilisers, seed pototoes, twine and numerous other useful items.
During the Festive Board, which was a White Table in Brian’s honour, the members of the Lodge presented him with a luxury hamper.