At the June Communication of Grand Lodge, item 11b of the agenda was “To elect three Brethren to serve as Trustees of the Mark Benevolent Fund…” one of the three successful appointees was our own Provincial Grand Master, RW. Bro. Archie Torrance. As part of this meritorious and deserved appointment, RW. Bro. Archie has also been invited to be a member of the MBF Petitions Committee, an honour which he has, of course, accepted.

The Provincial Grand Master has also been delighted to accept the invitation to be the President of the 2020 Grand Master’s Lodges of Instruction Festival. It is hoped that the Festival Worshipful Master and Worshipful Commander will both be Kent Brethren.

The Annual Festival will be held on Wednesday, 29th April 2020, at Mark Masons` Hall, at which there will be a demonstration of the Elevation and Advancement Ceremonies. The meeting will be followed by a Festival Dinner.

Application forms will be available in due course from either our own Provincial Grand Secretary, W. Bro. David Stiff or the Festival Secretary: W. Bro. Shaun Rayner, MBE, JP., 8 Davenport, Church Langley, Harlow, Essex, CM17 9TF