At the Regular Meeting of the Amherst Mark Lodge No.266 held on Thursday 23rd March 2023 at Sandgate’s Masonic Centre, the Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Chic Cameron, Members, Guests and Visitors were delighted to welcome R.W.Bro. Peter Williams, Provincial Grand Master, who was pleased to conduct the Dedication of the Lodge’s new banner.
Peter Williams and Chic Cameron flanking the newly dedicated Lodge banner
Supporting Peter were Assistant Provincial Grand Masters, W.Bros. David Stiff and Trevor Sharpe, along with the Provincial Grand Chaplain, W.Bro. Howard Pashley, the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, W.Bro. Christopher Metherell, and a large team of active Provincial Officers.
It proved to be a thoroughly enjoyable and memorable occasion for the many attending, both in terms of the meeting itself and a fine Festive Board afterwards.
The banner had been kindly and skillfully made by Janet Stiff, wife of David.
Commenting on the dedication of the banner, Janet said. “The Amherst Lodge No.266 of Mark Master Masons’ banner is the last of the banners that I have made to be dedicated. The last banner I actually made was the one for Paddock Wood Medway Lodge No.811 of Mark Master Masons which was dedicated earlier this year, which I designed to commemorate the amalgamation of the two Lodges of Paddock Wood and Medway. The design came from elements of both their original banners.”
“Since 2006 I have made a total of 23 banners of which 13 have been for Mark and Royal Ark Mariner Lodges. I have also made many drapes, alms bags and pennants as well as some restoration work. As a result I have raised a total of £8,170 for various charities including the Mark Benevolent Fund, The Kent Mark Benevolent Fund and the Orchid Fund for Testicular Cancer. With Gift Aid added this amounts to almost £10,000 for the charities.”
“I have been honoured with the Grand Patron Diamond award from the Mark Benevolent Fund and most recently a Grand Patron award from the Kent Mark Benevolent Fund. I also made both the Mark and R.A.M. Standards of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Kent to replace those water damaged in 2020. But sadly I now have to put away my thread due to arthritis in my hand.”
Janet wearing her MBF Grand Patron Diamond and KMBF Grand Patron awards with pride