âFriday December 8th was an extra special night for Bro. Peter Lapage ProvGStwd, the Kent Mark 2020 Festival Treasurer, when he was installed in to Chair of his Craft Lodge – Christopher Marlowe No.8014 which meets in Canterbury by W.Bro Christian Foley, IPM. The event was witnessed by no fewer that eight present and past members of the Kent Mark Provincial executive including the Provincial Grand Master, his Deputy and both Assistants.
It is always special when you are installed into the Chair of King Solomon for the first time and this was no exception. Christopher Marlowe is Peter’s UGLE Mother Lodge. He was initiated into the Selukwe Lodge No 617 Irish Constitution, Province & District of Zimbabwe, on 14th May 1981. Sadly, due to other factors in the country the Lodge, like so many others, surrendered its Warrant several years later.
Peter joined 8014 on 4th January 2016, was installed as Senior Warden in December 2017.
Peter says “My family has a Masonic life extending a little over 100 years. It all starts with my maternal Grandfather, Past Assistant District Grand Master (Irish Constitution) Rhodesia & Nyasaland, and founding member of several Irish Lodges in Southern Rhodesia during the 1920s, my father was initiated into the Netherlandic Constitution and subsequent joining member of several English and Irish Lodges in Northern Rhodesia (Zambia), my elder brother (initiated English Constitution, Grand Lodge of South Africa Eastern Division, and joining member Pharos Lodge No 6450, Province of Lincolnshire) and nephew (his son) initiated into the Pharos Lodge No 6450 Province of Lincolnshire.”
He was Advanced into the Mark via Cantwara-Byrig Lodge No 1168 in September 2016, Bertha Chapter No 31 in February 2017, St Vincent RAM Lodge No 262 in November 2017, and joined the Royal Military Lodge No 1449 in November 2016.
Peter was appointed to the Active Rank of Mark Provincial Grand Steward in the Mark Province at our Annual Meeting at Oakley House in September.