For the last fifteen years, M.W.Bro. Raymond Smith has given outstanding service to our Order in various offices.

In 2007, he was appointed Provincial Grand Master for London, an office he held for four years before taking over the presidency of the Mark Benevolent Fund until 2013.

His reputation as a consummate professional discharging his duties with a quiet confidence and always with a welcoming smile, singled him out for further advancement and in 2014 he was appointed Assistant Grand Master. Two years later he was promoted to Deputy Grand Master and, in 2017, he succeeded to the office of Pro Grand Master.

Having served five years as Pro Grand Master and with a relocation to Jersey about to take place, M.W.Bro. Smith has indicated his wish to retire and will stand down at the September Communication of Grand Lodge. On your behalf I extend to him our thanks for all that he has done for Mark Masonry so wonderfully supported by
his wife Anne and we wish them both a long, happy and healthy retirement in their new home.

In consequence of this news, the Most Worshipful Grand Master has been pleased to make the following appointments:
As Pro Grand Master – R.W.Bro. John Herbert Prizeman, Dep.G.M.
As Deputy Grand Master – R.W.Bro. Francis Charles Spencer, Asst.G.M.
And as Assistant Grand Master – R.W.Bro. Prof. Denovan Keith Wilson, Prov.G.M. for Durham.

I am sure you will join me in extending heartiest congratulations to our new Rulers Designate who will be invested by the Grand Master on 13 September.

Their appointments mark the start of a new Chapter in the history of our Order, and I feel sure that under their guidance we will continue our recovery from the effects of the pandemic and realise our ambitions for a stronger and more forward looking Order.

With fraternal regards and best wishes.
R.W.Bro. Ryan A Williams, P.G.J.W.
Grand Secretary

19th August 2022