The Portal Lectureship was established in 2018 as part of the Mark Benevolent Fund’s 150th anniversary celebrations. It bears the name of the Fund’s Founder and serves as a perpetual memorial of his contribution to the development of Mark Masonry in the second half of the nineteenth century.

The lectureship is awarded every two years to a Mark Master Mason chosen by the Trustees of the Mark Benevolent Fund. In 2018, the inaugural lecturer was the well-known Masonic historian R.W.Bro. James Wallace Daniel, P.G.S.W., who chose as the topic of his lecture ‘Rev. G R Portal – Founder of the Mark Benevolent Fund’.

The Trustees have been considering the appointment of the next Portal Lecturer and R.W.Bro. Ryan A Williams, P.G.J.W.
Grand Secretary is delighted to announce that V.W.Bro. Dr Rod Gordon Taylor, P.G.J.O. has accepted the invitation to take on this illustrious appointment. The subject of V.W.Bro. Taylor’s lecture will be ‘The First Royal Mark Mason’ and details of the arrangements for the first delivery of his lecture will be released early in the New Year.
Details of dates and venues for delivery of the lecture over the next two years will follow in due course.