Following the Provincial Meeting on 30 September, please note that the following changes take place with immediate effect:
Provincial Grand Secretary
WBro David Stiff is now Provincial Grand Secretary. All correspondence and enquiries previously sent
or directed to WBro John Linkin must now please be sent or directed to WBro David. WBro Davidâs
contact details are:
Mr David Stiff
15 Apollo Way, St Maryâs Island, Chatham, Kent, ME4 3AP
Telephone: 01634 891408, 07778 173272 (please do not call after 8pm)
Deputy Provincial Grand Secretary
WBro Rob Downing is now Deputy Provincial Grand Secretary. All correspondence and enquiries
previously sent or directed to WBro Chris Boak must now please be sent or directed to WBro Rob.
WBro Robâs contact details are:
Mr Rob Downing
Brackenwood, Newlands Lane, Culverstone, Kent, DA13 0RD
Telephone: 07860 505805
Assistant Provincial Grand Secretary
WBro Peter Hargreaves is now Assistant Provincial Grand Secretary. All correspondence and enquiries
previously sent or directed to WBro Malcolm Burkett must now please be sent or directed to WBro
Peter. WBro Peterâs contact details are:
Mr Peter Hargreaves
10 Lingley Drive, Rochester, Kent, ME2 4NE
Telephone: 01634 716751 (answerphone)
Provincial Grand Treasurer
WBro Nick Waller is now Provincial Grand Treasurer. All correspondence and enquiries previously sent
or directed to WBro Tony Latham must now please be sent or directed to WBro Nick. WBro Nickâs
contact details are:
Mr Nicholas Waller
20 Waterside Lane, Gillingham, Kent, ME7 2JA
Telephone: 01634 570656, 07919 008113 (please do not call after 8pm)
Festival Treasurer
Bro Peter Lapage is now Festival Treasurer. All envelopes, regular giving forms and enquiries about
Festival donations previously sent or directed to WBro Ian Gallehawk must now please be sent or
directed to Bro Peter. Bro Peterâs contact details are:
Mr Peter Lapage
18 Athelstan Road, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 3UW
Telephone: 01227 784223
Provincial Grand Charity Steward
WBro Brian Ward is now Provincial Grand Charity Steward. All correspondence and enquiries relating
to Provincial Charity matters previously sent or directed to WBro Ian Gallehawk must now please be
sent or directed to WBro Brian. WBro Brianâs contact details are:
Mr Brian Ward
Cedar House, Wilton Road, Folkestone, Kent, CT19 5HS
Telephone: 01303 249559, 07801 916759