I wish to announce a forthcoming change to the Mark Executive, which will become effective from the 6th March 2024.
W.Bro. Trevor Marley Sharpe, P.A.G.D.C. R.A.M.G.R.
Having served the Province for two years as an Assistant Provincial Grand Master, Trevor will be retiring from the role on the 6th March. He has brought a wealth of knowledge and experience to the role and I wish to personally thank him for his calm approach, in particular as Head of Communications, and as the lead for Care and Welfare within the Province.
V.W.Bro. Gregory Dunham, P.G.J.O. R.A.M.G.R.
I am pleased to announce that I have asked Greg Dunham P.G.J.O. to be an Assistant Provincial Grand Master and I look forward to investing him at the Kent Mark Provincial Grand Stewards’ Lodge meeting, which will be held on Wednesday the 6th March at the Franklin Rooms in Gillingham.
Greg is very well known throughout the Province having held senior Provincial positions, most recently as the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies.
Greg was Advanced into The Lord Harris Lodge No. 1494 in 1982, and Elevated in The Lord Harris Lodge No. 1494 in 1986. He was Appointed to R.A.M.G.R. in 2004 and currently holds the rank of P.G.J.O. in the Mark.
I know that you will join me in offering our best wishesto Trevor for the future, and to wish Greg every success with his new responsibilities.
Best Regards,
R.W.Bro. Peter David Williams
Provincial Grand Master
Mark Province of Kent
2nd February 2024