Thursday 2nd July saw the Banner Dedication Meeting of Dover and Cinque Ports Mark Lodge No 152, at Dover’s Snargate Street Masonic Centre.

A packed and very hot Temple witnessed the Provincial Grand Master, RW. Bro. Archie Torrance, and his team enter in procession.

The Provincial Grand Master took the Chair and greeted the assembled Brethren explaining that, some time ago, the Lodge had been invited to be the Banner Lodge at the forthcoming Provincial Meeting on 28 September. The Lodge agreed but explained that there was one obstacle, the Lodge did not have a banner! This kick started the process of obtaining a banner and led us to the events of the day.

With the above explanation in mind, the Banner was escorted into the Lodge. There followed an oration delivered by the Provincial Grand Chaplain, VW. Bro. Howard Pashley. VW. Bro. Howard had, as ever, conducted considerable research and his oration included much fascinating and historical detail regarding the origins and meanings of the various sections of the Lodge Crest. Once again, VW. Bro. Howard brought the past to life and without doubt even educated some of the Lodge members regarding the origins and history of the Lodge and its crest.

The Banner was then duly dedicated by the RW. Provincial Grand Master. It must be observed that, once again, a Lodge in the Mark Province of Kent has much reason to be grateful to Mrs Janet Stiff for making such a striking and amazing Banner, which will serve the Lodge for many years to come.

The Provincial Grand Master finished off by presenting a series of Mark Benevolent Fund awards, demonstrating that support for the MBF and the 2020 Festival is continuing apace in the Province.