​On Saturday 23 June at the meeting of​ the ​ Kent Installed Mark Masters​ Lodge No.999, the Provincial Grand Master​, RW. Bro. Archie Torrance, ​presented two Lodges with Mark Benevolent Fund Grand Patron Gold awards as well as one individual Grand Patron Award, one Patron award and five Vice-Patron awards.

Having done all that on behalf of the Mark Benevolent Fund, he then presented one Silver and two Bronze awards to Lodges for their contributions towards the 2020 Festival. ​Many of the recipients ​can be seen here with the RW Provincial Grand Master and the​ Lodge’s Worshipful Master, W.​ ​Bro​.​ Ivor Spencer.

Lodge Presentations

C​antwara-Byrig Mark Lodge No.1168​ – MBF ​G​rand Patron ​Gold ​Award
​The North Kent Mark Lodge No. 1682​ ​- MBF ​G​rand Patron ​Gold ​Award​
The North Kent Mark Lodge No. 1682​ – 2020 Festival Silver Certificate
Millenium Mark Lodge No. 1802​ ​- 2020 Festival​ ​Bronze Certificate
Mandalay Mark Lodge No. 1886​ – 2020 Festival​ ​Bronze Certificate

Individual​ Presentations

P​eter Lapage​ – MBF G​rand Patron
K​arl Biscoe​​ – MBF P​atron
A​lan Boaler​​ – MBF V​ice Patron
E​rnest Walker – MBF V​ice Patron
M​artin Jones​ – MBF V​ice Patron
R​obin Friday​ – MBF V​ice Patron
Geoffrey Dearing​ – MBF V​ice Patron
P​eter Reader – MBF V​ice Patron

As the Festival draws ever closer, this level of support is making all the difference to the final total that the Province will be able to donate to the great works of the Mark Benevolent Fund. Many thanks to everyone, who is continuing to support the Festival.

​The Provincial Grand Master commented that “It was a pleasure to present ​so many of ​them with their awards​” and extended his “Thanks to all for their wonderful support for the Mark Benevolent Fund and the Kent Mark 2020 Festival.​”​

Remember, you don’t have to be a Mark Mason to support the great works of the Mark Benevolent Fund. If you wish to support us, your donation would be very welcome and can be made by clicking here.