The March 2024 Installation Meeting of Hundred of Hoo Lodge of Mark Master Masons saw the first Widows’ Son placed in the Chair of Adoniram, namely V.W.Bro. Ivor Spencer – AKA Terminator.
For such an auspicious ocassion for the recently reinvigorated Lodge, they were honoured to have two very distinguished guests at the meeting – W.Bro. Martyn Summers, Dep.Prov.G.M and W.Bro. Steve Hyland, A.Prov.G.M.
But this was more than “just” an Installation Meeting.
Before Ivor was Installed, outgoing Worshipful Master Chris Budge Advanced Allan “Double” Dare in the presence of his son Michael.
After installing all of his officers, (not a single previous Master is now on the floor – so the Lodge will be assured of some interesting ceremonies coming up!!), four of the original members of Hundred of Hoo, Chris Budge, Andrew Hopper, Michael Fitzgerald and Ken Dimmick (who already has his Roadname – Dumbo), were presented with their Cornerstones patches and welcomed as honorary members of the East Kent Widows Sons. They were all warmly welcomed and thanked for helping making the Widows Sons feel welcome and making Hoo their Mark home.
The Lodge we also welcomed two joining members who immediately joined as Cornerstones as well.
The successful rebirth of the Lodge dates back to pre-pandemic times. At an East KentĀ Widows Sons “natter Night” a conversation struck up about all joining a Lodge together, specifically not consecrating a new lodge but ideally saving an ailing Lodge. It was suggested that as they were all already Craft Masons, why not align with a Mark Lodge? The then Provincial DC, Ivor Spencer researched the Lodges in the Province and Hundred of Hoo fitted the criteria, being down to near single figure membership, and having the added benefit of being quite central in the Province. They met with the Lodge in October 2019 and the members of Hundred of Hoo were very keen for the Widows Sons to join them, understanding that their Lodge was likely to change into a motorcycling themed Lodge. But covid put any progress on hold until 2021,
Such hasĀ been is the success of the Mark Lodge, which now has over 30 members, that discussions with the Provincial Excutive are taking place with a view to refloating Hundred of Hoo Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners, the Warrant of which is currently held in obeyance..
Apparently the festive board was excellent and more money was raised for charity, with some interesting knocks thrown in for good measure.
Whether you ride a motorcycle or not, if you want a fun and welcoming place to witness a Mark ceremony then please visit the Hundred of Hoo, like every Lodge in our friendly Province.