Monday 7th August 2017 ​saw ​ten brethren from the Province me​et for a very convivial ​get together ​dinner at Ye Olde Turk restaurant in Trafalgar Road, ​Greenwich.

The ​special ​reason ​behind the the dinner was these brethren were all potential ​joining ​members of the Greenwich Mark and Royal Ark Mariner Lodges. They​, ​along with seven other brethren​​, ​will be joining​ as ​part of a recovery project led by ​our Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, W.Bro. Perri Ahmet​.

The purpose of the project​ is to ​reinvigorate one of our Province​’s oldest Lodges – ​The Greenwich Lodge No. 332 which meets at Mark Masons Hall in​ London and received its warrant on 23​rd​ February 1884. The theme of the recovery ​is to make ​it ​a Fine Dining Lodge with an emphasis on Excellent Ritual.

You would not imagine that ​a​ group who have chosen ​fine ​dining for their meetings ​in St James’s ​would naturally have ​go​t together in a ​Greenwich Kebab Restaurant​,​ but the background to this is that in the Royal Ark Mariner Centenary history produced ​earlier​ this year, it is reported that a group of the Mark Lodge members met at the King William IV Hotel in Trafalgar Road,Greenwich to discuss the potential formation of a Royal Ark Mariner Lodge to be moored to the Greenwich Mark Lodge.

After ​some online research it was discovered that the hotel was still in ​existence​, with the ​aforementioned Turkish ​restaurant operating from the ground floor. Hence​,​ it was decided that this would be the perfect venue for an out of Masonic season get together.

As you can see from the accompanying photograph, an excellent time was had by all present​,​ including our Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro. Archie Torrance, who is to be installed as Master on the 28th September 2017.