At the February meeting of Maidstone’s Robinson Lodge of Mark Master Masons a double Advancement was held. Which is not too unusual an occurrence.

But during the Lodge’s last four meetings, the Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Max Diessner has overseen:

  • May 2021 – Two joining Members.
  • July 2021 – Installation plus a double Advancement.
  • October 2021 – A double Advancement.
  • February 2022 – A double Advancement.
  • Making a total of eight new members in the past Masonic year!

The above photograph shows W.Bro. Max along with the members and guests present at the February 2022 meeting. The more attentive reader will notice that Max is holding six more application forms for membership of the Lodge, meaning that the next three regular meetings are already scheduled to be, yes you’ve guessed it, a double Advancement.

When we asked Max what the magic ingredient was? He said that it was “Simple, we love and enjoy our Mark Masonry and talking about the friendly degree”.