Last week our Provincial Grand Master announced the establishment of a PGMâs Discretionary Fund for the support of members who find themselves in financial difficulty due to the current lockdown.
The Board of Trustees of the Kent Mark Benevolent Fund held an emergency meeting by video conference recently to set out the manner in which the Fund will play its part in supporting our members and their families in these troubled times.
We have agreed the following response to the coronavirus pandemic with immediate effect:
We shall prioritise the needs of our members over all else;
Funding has been set aside to assist our members and their families in need;
We will consider any petitions or applications by means of electronic mail; any complex cases will be dealt with by video conferencing;
A seed-corn grant of £5,000 has been made to the PGMâs Discretionary Fund at launch.
The Kent Mark Benevolent Fund offers two avenues of support for our members and their families in need and for worthy causes. Suitable cases may be submitted to the Trustees for consideration as
Petitions for relief of members and their families will be processed (via a Lodge Almoner if practicable) by the Provincial Grand Almoner, W. Bro. Peter Hayler.
Applications for worthy charitable causes in our local communities will be processed by our Provincial Grand Charity Steward, W. Bro. Brian Ward.
Please be assured that the funding of this important work in our Province is not to the detriment of the Mark Benevolent Fund 2020 Festival which has been the focus of our attention for the last eight years. All donations in support of the Festival will continue to be recognised for that purpose.
Brethren, these are indeed exceptional times in which we all need the reassurance that every branch of the Masonic community is available and ready to support those of us who are facing financial challenges. The KMBF is pleased to play its part in responding to the current crisis.
With best wishes
Yours sincerely and fraternally,
David J. Green PGSO PastDPGM
Chairman, Kent Mark Benevolent Fund
Click here to download the letter