As well having probably the most difficult name in the Province to pronounce, Canterbury’s Cantwara-Byrig Lodge of Mark Master Masons may have another unique claim to fame.
L-R Gerald Goldsack, Peter Lapage, Fred Brown & David Green
It’s not unusual for a Right Worshipful or Very Worshipful Brother or two to be a Member of a Lodge, but Canterbury’s Cantwara-Byrig Lodge could be unique. It not only has three such Brethren, but all three are also Past Provincial/District Deputy Grand Masters.
Namely, the Director of Ceremonies R.W.Bro. David Green P.G.J.W. P.Dep.Prov.G.M. (Kent), V.W.Bro. Fred Brown P.G.J.O. P.Dep.Prov.G.M (Kent) and their new, joining member, V.W.Bro. Gerald Goldsack P.G.J.O. P.Dep.Dist.G.M. (Cyprus).
All three can be seen here with Worshipful Master, Peter Lapage who, coincidentally, is our Provincial Grand Treasurer.