Friday 1st March 2024 saw the 64th Installation Meeting of Kent Installed Commanders’ Lodge No.999 at the Maidstone Masonic Centre, in Tovil.
Those present on the evening exprienced W.Bro. David Austin Install W.Bro Jack Jarvis as his successor as Worshipful Commander, in the presence of the Provincial Grand Master, his Deputy and both Assistants, plus numerous other members of the Provincial Executive.
As you can imagine with David and Jack taking centre stage it was a most enjoyable meeting with a perfect blend of excellent ritual and good humour.
Kent Installed Commanders Lodge, commonly referred to as simply KIC, was consecrated in 1992 and as far as we know was the first Past Commanders’ Lodge to be founded with the express purpose of investing Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Grand Ranks within the jurisdiction and dignity of the fraternity.
Membership is available to Installed or Past Commanders of any Royal Ark Mariner Lodge in our Constitution and who is also a subscribing member of another Kent Royal Ark Mariner Lodge.
The Lodge meets twice a year on the first Friday in March (Installation) and September. Like Kent Installed Mark Masters Lodge, the meeting venue is purposely rotated around the Kent Province to make travel arrangements fairer to such a large membership.
Each newly installed Worshipful Commander of the Lodge customarily presents a paper of his own choosing for the attention of the Lodge and their visitors. On this ocassion, W.Bro. Jack Jarvis gave an interesting talk on the number of well-known Freemasons and why we should be proud of our membership and like them, should not hide our light under a bushel.
If you are an Installed or Past Commander and wish to become a member of Kent’s premier R.A.M. Lodge, you just need to download the membership form, fill it in, and send it to the Lodge Scribe.