Saturday 4th November saw the installation of our Deputy Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro. Martyn Summers, as the Worshipful Master of Kent Installed Mark Masters Lodge No.999 at the Maidstone Masonic Centre in Tovil.
In the shadow of Storm Ciaran, more than 60 Brethren attend a much brighter Maidstone Masonic Centre to witness an excellent installation of Martyn, by W.Bro. David Barden, in the presence of R.W.Bro. Peter Williams, Provincial Grand Master, and his three predecessors – Archie Torrance, Roland Wade and Roger Croucher.
After being installed, Martyn proceeded to appoint and invest his officers for the year with his usual style in a warm and humorous atmosphere, which included W.Bro. Steve Hyland as Senior Warden where he could “keep an eye on him”.
The festive board followed, where the warmth and camaraderie continued.
Kent Installed Mark Masters Lodge (KIMM) was the first such Lodge to be formed under the English Constitution and therefore probably in the world. It was formed in 1944 and today enjoys a membership of more than 150.
Membership is available to Installed or Past Masters of any Mark Lodge in our Constitution and who is also a subscribing member of another Kent Mark Lodge.
The Lodge meets twice a year in the morning on the first Saturday in November (Installation) and on the fourth Saturday in June. The meeting venue is purposely rotated around the Kent Province to make travel arrangements fairer to such a large membership.
The privileges of membership are not only the opportunity to attend to respected and distinguished speakers, who cover diverse topics Masonic, Charitable, military and others. It also enables members to meet with other brethren from all parts of our beautiful Province and some very deep and long friendships have been formed as a result. Also, every member of the Provincial Executive belongs to the Lodge, and it is an easy situation to meet them informally for a friendly chat or to share your views.
Every Worshipful Master in Kent is encouraged on his Installation night to join KIMM, and many do take up that invitation.
Words: Karl Bowman
Pictures: Ian Gallehawk