On 24th June 1944, Kent Installed Mark Masters Lodge No 999 was consecrated. Today, most of us can only just begin to imagine the difficulty that must have been experienced in consecrating a lodge towards the end of WWII. Indeed, the planning had begun as far back as 1943, when the future must still have seemed a little uncertain and it would have been well known that Freemasons were the subject of Nazi persecution. Estimates of the number of Freemasons murdered in the camps vary between 80,000 and 200,000.
Undeterred, our Masonic ancestors brought into being a Lodge that thrives to this very day. It was, therefore, right and proper that the 75th Anniversary Meeting, held on Saturday 22nd June, should have been a celebration of all that has been achieved over the last 75 years.
To a packed Temple at Wrotham Masonic Centre, VW. Bro. Peter Wise delivered a Wisey Waffle that, as ever, did not disappoint. This time, VW. Bro. Peter s talk was an introduction to the splendid 75th anniversary booklet produced by him to mark the occasion. The booklet is a tremendous read and grateful thanks are due to VW. Bro. Peter for producing a souvenir, of which the entire Lodge can be proud.
At a Festive Board of over 80 members and guests, the Provincial Grand Master, RW. Bro. Archie Torrance, spoke of his pride in the achievements of the Lodge. The Worshipful Master, W. Bro. Ian Gallehawk, thanked everyone for supporting the event and declared how honoured he felt to be
Master of the Lodge at such an auspicious moment.
The hard work of the Charity Steward, W. Bro. Paddy Langdown, helped to secure some £1,289.00 towards the Lodge s contribution to the 2020 Festival.
As would be expected, the Lodge ensured that a photograph was taken so that there will be more material for the booklet to be produced for the centenary celebration in 2044!