As part of our friendly degree’s enhanced communications strategy, the first edition of Kent Keystone – our new quarterly electronic newsletter was distributed earlier this month to more than 1,100 members of the Province who subscribe to our eFlashes.
Kent Keystone pulls together a variety of interesting news stories and reports from around the Province that have been published on our website over the previous few months and that you may have missed.
Upon receiving his personal copy at the same time as everyone else, our Provincial Grand Master’s first words were “Absolutely brilliant!” He continued “I am very pleased to announce that our very first Provincial newsletter, Kent Keystone, was published on July 1st. It will be produced and sent to all subscribing members via our Mailchimp eFlash service every quarter as an excellent way of highlighting all the good work that is going on in the Province. I am grateful to the Provincial Communications Manager, W. Bro. Robin Evans, for producing the newsletter and for his continued service to the Province, which is making such a difference to the way we communicate with you and all of our members.”
If you didn’t receive a copy in your inbox, you can view it here. To subscribe to our eFlashes simply send an email to