The age-old tradition of toasting Absent Brethren when “the hands are on the square” is well known to all Freemasons across the globe.
However, in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak and the general suspension of all Masonic activity, this tradition has taken on a new life across social media in reminding people, and not just Freemasons, that they are not alone especially with the need to stay at home, protect the NHS and save lives.
As can be seen above, all four of our ‘chains’ have taken part in the #TimeToToast initiative and have raised a glass on Twitter and Facebook to join in the virtual toast.
Provincial Grand Master, Archie Torrance commented “In keeping with our new priority of Welfare, Welfare, Welfare it is even more important that Brethren know that wherever they may be spread across the four quarters of the globe, someone will be raising a glass to them at 9 o’clock and thinking of them.” He continued “Stay safe and I look forward to you joining us for a toast in the near future.”