At the June 2022 UGLE Quarterly Communication Meeting, W.Bro. Malcolm Brooks P.Prov.G.J.W., of Kent Mark Stewards’ Lodge No.1691, was awarded The Grand Master’s Order of Service to Masonry.
A very fitting tribute to a proud and committed Freemason of many Orders who held the Grand Tyler and Grand Janitor posts for fourteen years.
Instituted in 1945, The Order of Service to Masonry is the highest honour the Grand Master can confer on any member of the Craft, and is in his personal gift as an acknowledgment of exceptional services to Craft Freemasonry.
The Order is limited to 12 holders and entitles them to place the letters OSM after their names, preceding the initials of any other Masonic rank they may hold.
W.Bro. Malcolm was Advanced in Kent Mark Stewards Lodge No.1691 in 2009, becoming Worshipful Master in 2014. He was Appointed as Provincial Grand Junior Warden two years later. He was Elevated in Adams Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No.6 in 2010.