If all goes to plan, exactly twelve months, (or 366 days if you prefer), from today our intrepid Provincial Communications Manager, Robin Evans, will be arriving at the Eiffel Tower in Paris after cycling the 330 miles (525 km) from London, a journey that he last made in 2010. On that occasion he raised funds for a national men’s cancer charity.
For his 2024 ride Robin has very kindly chosen to ride in support of our own Kent Mark Benevolent Fund (KMBF), and has set himself the challenging target of raising at least £3,330 – equivalent to £10 per mile!
According to his JustGiving page Robin will be covering the three hundred plus miles over four days and his planned itinerary is:
Day 1: 5th June 2024 London to Dover to Dunkirk – 85 miles*
Day 2: 6th June 2024 Dunkirk to Cambrai – 100 miles
Day 3: 7th June 2024 Cambrai to Soissons – 70 miles
Day 4: 8th June 2024 Soissons to Paris – 75 miles
When W.Bro. Perri Ahmet, Chair of the KMBF’s Trustees, heard of Robin’s challenge he commented:
“I have known that Robin is a keen cyclist for almost as long as I have known him, so I wasn’t surprised when he told me that he was going to cycle from London to Paris again. But I was when I realised that he was going to do it aged 60! I was even more surprised and thrilled when he asked me if he could nominate the KMBF as his chosen charity.”
“With the generous target that Robin has set himself this will clearly be one of our biggest fundraising events of the next twelve months, and my fellow trustees and not only wish him the very best but also urge you to support him, either personally or as a lodge, in his goal to raise over three thousand pounds to allow the KMBF to continue its objectives of benevolence and charity.”
You can easily sponsor Robin via his JustGiving page, alternatively if you would prefer to support him with cash or a cheque please email him directly.
*Hopefully we will be able to let you know his route nearer to the day for you to lend him some moral support.