Friday 12 May 2017 was a truly exceptional day in the history of Lord Harris Mark Lodge. From an idea initially suggested by Bro Alfonso Camisotti, it had been decided that the Lodge would twin with Pico della Mirandola Lodge 1896 in the District of Italy.
Much work followed and the Lodge Secretary, WBro Steve Dunsdon, with others, spent many hours in the preparation and planning of the event. All the hard work and planning paid off as 13 Brethren from Pico della Mirandola Mark Lodge joined the Brethren of and visitors to Lord Harris Mark Lodge to witness a solemn and enjoyable Ceremony of Twinning. Much thanks must be given to WBro Perri Ahmet, Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, who planned and executed the event with much assistance from WBro Martyn Summers, Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies and WBro Ivor Spencer, Acting Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies.
Before the Ceremony of Twinning was carried out, The Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Archie Torrance, addressed the assembly, as did members of the Pico della Mirandola Lodge. Here, Bro Jubin Nouri of Lord Harris Mark demonstrated his skills as an interpreter as he ensured that everyone present kept up with the addresses being made. Without Bro Jubin, much of the event would have been lost by most present.
Much of the history of Lord Harris Mark had previously been gathered by the former Lodge Secretary, the late WBro Derrick Lincoln. It was, therefore, fitting that his son, WBro Paul Lincoln, should deliver a history of Lord Harris Mark Lodge.Â
Everyone present listened attentively as all learned a little more about our history. In return, a history of Pico della Mirandola Lodge was read out to the acclamation of all present. With those important words having been delivered, the Ceremony of Twinning was carried out to the delight of all present.
Following the meeting, the members of the two Lodges, together with the Provincial Delegation, gathered to have a picture taken for posterity. Those seated in the front row show the distinguished company of the day. From left to right they are; WBro David Jordan, Right Eminent Provincial Prior of the Provincial Priory of the Knights Templar, Kent, WBro Tom Quinn, Deputy Provincial Grand Master of the Mark province of London, WBro Antonio Elio D’Emilio, Deputy District Grand Master of the District of Rome, the Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Archie Torrance, WBro Mark Estaugh, Provincial Grand Master for the Craft Province of West Kent, WBro Fred Brown, Assistant Provincial Grand Master, WBro Graham Higgs, Inspector-General for the District of West Kent, Ancient and Accepted Rite (Rose Croix) and Bro Guido Iafrate, Deputy District Grand Secretary, Italy.
A traditional exchange of gifts took place. Mrs Janet Stiff had, again, worked her magic and produced a pennant of the Lord Harris crest, which was presented to the Italian delegation and is seen in the pictures being proudly displayed in front of the banners of the respective Lodges by WBro Graham Raven and WBro Domenico Macciomei, District Grand Overseer, Rome.
This event truly demonstrated the universal nature of Freemasonry and showed how our Masonic Orders can bring people together from across the world, regardless of race (or language!). The day ended after an excellent Festive Board, where friendships were cemented and vows made to meet again.