Monday 3 June saw the 25th anniversary meeting of Malling Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No 1425. In its 25 years, the Lodge has certainly made its mark upon Royal Ark Masonry in Kent. It is a Grand Patron Gold Award Lodge of the Mark Benevolent Fund and holds the Silver Award for the Kent Mark 2020 Festival.
An excellent meeting was enjoyed as Bro. Mark Carver, a member of Malling Abbey Mark Lodge, was elevated into this beautiful Degree. This was followed by the Provincial Grand Secretary, W. Bro. David Stiff, reading the original warrant of the Lodge followed by the 25 year certificate from the Provincial Grand Master in recognition of the Lodge s achievement. Assistant Provincial Grand Master, W. Bro. Ian Gallehawk was then on hand to present the certificate to the Lodge. The Worshipful Commander, W. Bro. Peter Hayler, can be seen proudly displaying both as all present posed for a photograph to preserve this important moment for posterity.
The Lodge was also very fortunate to have present four founders and the first three Bro.thers to be elevated into the Lodge. The picture below shows in the back row, from left to right, the first three Bro.thers to be elevated; W. Bro. Brian Barden, W. Bro. David Warton and W. Bro. Eric Head. In the front row are four founders, from left to right, W. Bro. David Embling, W. Bro. David Edge, W. Bro. Frank Holding, Past Assistant Provincial Grand Master, and W. Bro. Michael Gibson.
Nine reasons to join the Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Royal Ark Mariner can be seen on the website. If you are a Mark Mason and have yet to progress to this beautiful Degree, just ask a Royal Ark Mariner in your Mark Lodge or contact a member of the Executive.