Wednesday 9th August 2017. The Worshipful Master of Malling Abbey MMM Lodge No. 1425, W. Bro. Norman Sams accompanied by his wife, Vin, presented a cheque for £175 to Miss Claire Battersby, a Community Fundraiser for Demelza Hospice Care for Children.
The Worshipful Master was accompanied by W. Bro. Pete Hayler, the Lodge Charity Steward. Mr David Holmes, also a Community Fundraiser for Demelza, was present and kindly offered to take the photograph. The money was raised at the Lodgeâs Ladies Dining Evening last Christmas. Mr David Holmes extended a warm welcome to the Brethren to an Open Day on 24th September where tours of the facilities offered by the Charity will be available, to highlight the valuable work undertaken by this amazing childrenâs Charity.
A further amount of £160 was raised at a Ladies luncheon held last June for the TLC (Teddy Bears). This will be presented to a TLC representative at the September Lodge meeting, where W. Bro. Ray Stone will be invited to receive the donation.
Pete Hayler, Lodge Charity Steward