Monday 10 June saw Manor of Chatham Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No 584 celebrate its centenary with a White Table meeting at Chatham Masonic Centre.
The Provincial Grand Master, RW. Bro. Archie Torrance, presided at an open meeting where guests, Masonic and non-Masonic, gathered to enjoy the event. The Lodge Scribe, W. Bro. Dave Merrick, delivered a most interesting history of the Lodge as well as reading the original Warrant and the Centenary Warrant.
The Provincial Grand Chaplain, W. Bro. Howard Pashley, delivered a very thought provoking oration, in which he reminded everyone of the difficult circumstances, at the end of the First World War, into which the Lodge was born and reminded everyone that the Consecration of the Lodge represented hope for a brighter future.
The Provincial Grand Master distributed Lodge Centenary Jewels and was, in turn, presented with a Centenary Jewel by the Lodge to thank him for attending the meeting.
The White Table Festive Board was a splendid affair. The Lodge was more than generous in presenting each gentleman with an embroidered napkin and each lady with a handbag torch. Wonderful mementoes of a truly exceptional day.