Martyn was born in Maidstone in November 1967 and lived for many years in nearby Sutton Valence. He went to school at the Cornwallis Secondary School in Linton. An early association with Freemasonry perhaps?
He began his working life as an apprentice carpenter & joiner, joining the family business, Summers Motors, in 1987. Martyn finally settled in Sellindge, after spells living in Biddenden and Larkfield, with his wife Fiona, where they also have a Garden Centre.
He has four children, two of his own from first marriage, Jessica a serving Kent Police Officer and Jack who works in the family car
business, and two he “inherited” from Fiona, Michaela who lives in North Yorkshire farming Sheep and Daniel who runs the Garden
Centre business. They also have three granddaughters, with another grandchild on the way.
Masonically, Martyn was Initiated into Chatham’s General Gordon Lodge No. 4292 in 2001, becoming Worshipful Master in
2008. He was Appointed to Provincial Grand Steward in 2011 and Promoted to Provincial Junior Grand Warden in 2018.
He was Exalted into Maidstone’s Duke of Kent Chapter No. 5818 in 2003 becoming MEZ in 2017.
In the Mark Degree, Martyn was Advanced into Cranbrook’s Crane Mark Lodge No. 1157 in 2005 becoming Worshipful Master in
2010. As a Royal Ark Mariner he was Elevated into Sittingbourne’s Millennium Lodge No. 1802 in 2006, joining Tenterden’s Crane Lodge No. 1157 in 2010, becoming Worshipful Commander in 2012 and 2013.
His first Mark Provincial appointment was to Provincial Grand Steward in 2012. He was then Promoted to P.Prov.G.Reg in 2015, then Appointed Prov.Dep.G.D.C in 2016 a post he served with distinction for three years. Martyn was Appointed as a Mark Grand Steward in 2018.
In the Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Royal Ark Mariner he was Appointed to Prov.R.A.M.G.R. in 2017 and Appointed to Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank in 2019.
Other interests include being a member of the Provincial Cricket Team and outside of Freemasonry working at home, helping Fiona with the horses (3), goat, rabbits (2), cats (5) and dogs (2) along with repairing fencing which the two Shetlands regularly damage. He also enjoys watching Formula One, Cricket and Rugby Union when time and Fiona allows.