Monday 7th June saw a presentation from our Provincial Grand Almoner’s team to help Lodge Almoners, and others including guests from six other Mark Provinces as well as the Craft Provinces of East Kent and West Kent and the MBF Charities Manager, Darren Coleman-Heald, to better understand mental health. They were also helped to be able to recognise problems that Brethren may be having and provide a simple strategy to guide them to find assistance and guidance.

Delivered by W.Bro. Dr John Shervington, the talk explained why mental health is no less important than physical health and also determines how we handle stress, relate to others and make important choices.
“Our mental health fluctuates just like our physical health.”

He invited those present to recognise that distress is part of the human condition and that unfortunately there remains a stigma around mental health – people feel shame, embarrassment and a fear of others not understanding.

To this end John recommended that we should try not to frame mental health in binary terms such as good or bad / ill or well – because mental health is not a mental illness, we all have mental health! He went on to highlight what we can do to improve matters via the four point strategy of:
Recognise – Ask – Listen – Help
Although our Provincial Grand Almoner’s team are on hand to assist, especially inline with the Provincial strategy of Welfare, Welfare, Welfare, John signposted a number of sources of help including the easy to use NHS Every Mind Matters website.
For more help please feel free to contact W.Bro. Peter Hayler, Provincial Grand Almoner.