Tuesday 3 March 2015 demonstrated how the entire masonic family comes together when it’s a matter of helping others. In this instance, the recipients of Masonic charity were the residents and staff of the Prince George Duke of Kent Court RMBI home at Chislehurst.

Only a short while ago, the Provincial Grand Master of the Mark Province of London, RW Bro David Ashbolt, launched an appeal to raise money to provide new, specially adapted minibuses to RMBI care homes in and around London.

On 3 March, after less than two years, the third such minibus was formally presented to Prince George Duke of Kent Court RMBI home at Chislehurst.
RW Bro David was accompanied by many members of the Province of London. Also present was RW Bro Archie Torrance, Provincial Grand Master of the Mark Province of Kent. The home is situated in the Craft Province of West Kent. It was, therefore, most please that the event was also attended by the provincial Grand Master of the Craft Province of West Kent, RW Bro Jonathan Winpenny.

After formally opening the day’s events, RW Bro David presented the keys to the manager of the home, after which residents and visiting Masons alike took stock of the new equipment. It was also an excellent opportunity for the Masons present to take the opportunity to talk to the residents and discover for themselves just how important the RMBI homes are to those, who live in them.

This was a staggering example of the generosity of Mark Masons and, indeed, the whole Masonic family in general. Many Kent Mark Masons proudly wear the London tie slide to demonstrate their support for the minibus appeal. The pictures show how the different Provinces and Degrees came together for the morning to celebrate the most important aspects of Freemasonry – charity and caring for others.