The latest in our series of “The Magic of The Mark” roadshows took place at Oakley House in Bromley on Thursday 28th February.
At the invitation of the members of Oakley Mark Lodge, the Provincial Membership Committee gave a presentation to an assembled gathering of 52 Brethren including 19 Master Masons who were attending to learn more about the Mark Degree and why they should join.
The evening started with the Regular Meeting of Oakley Lodge which received an Official Visit from RW. Bro. Archie Torrance PGM along with an Escort of 12 Provincial Officers and W. Bro. Martyn Summers GStwd Prov DepGDC as his Director of Ceremonies.
After the completion of the meeting the 19 non-Mark Men were invited into the Temple to receive a presentation prepared by W. Bro. Trevor Sharpe the Lead Ambassador and Member of the Membership Committee. The presentation was lead by W. Bro. Perri Ahmet APGM and included many aspects of our friendly order, which was well received by those present, especially those who were not yet in the Mark Degree.
The presentation was followed by a very convivial Festive Board which was a very informal buffet which allowed the Mark Members present plenty of time to circulate and talk with those non-Mark Members. The evening concluded with the Provincial Grand Master making his closing remarks and announcing the Raffle total of £215 which the Lodge was donating to the 2020 Festival in the name of Oakley Royal Oak Mariner Lodge.
The Provincial Membership Committee wishes to thank the members of Oakley Lodge of MMM No. 1584 for their hospitality and are very much looking forward to the next Magic of the Mark Presentation.
To date almost 20 Advancements and Elevations have taken place as a result of such evenings.
If you are interested in holding a The Magic of The Mark event a your centre then please contact us.