The Provincial Grand Master, RW. Bro. Archie Torrance, is delighted to announce that W. Bro. Martyn Summers has joined the Provincial Membership Committee, whose role it is to support the Province and its Lodges in delivering Mark Grand Lodge’s exciting Recruitment – Retention – Reinvigoration initiative, in the role of Provincial Retention officer.

Upon announcing this brand new post within the Province, the Provincial Grand Master said “When we talk about membership our thoughts are naturally aligned to attracting new members, but there are three key things that we need to consider if we are to achieve a growing membership, namely recruitment of new members, retention of existing members and reinvigoration of both existing members and Lodges”.

Martyn’s additional post, (he remains our Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies), will involve him working with Lodges and the Provincial Ambassadors Team headed by Trevor Sharpe to develop ways to identify reasons and trends for resignations and exclusions, and to keep in touch with those not regularly attending meetings and to ascertain why.

Martyn was advanced into Cranbrook’s Crane Mark Lodge in 2005, becoming its Master in 2010.

He was appointed as Provincial Grand Steward in 2012 and promoted to Past Provincial Grand Registrar in 2015. He is currently Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies. Martyn was elevated into the Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Royal Ark Mariner in the Millenium Lodge in 2006, becoming a joining member of Crane R.A.M. in 2010 and was their Worshipful Commander in 2012 and 2013. He was appointed to Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Rank in 2017.

He was appointed as a Grand Steward in 2018.

Martyn is also a member of the following Lodges: Kent Mark Stewards, Kent Installed Mark Masters, Greenwich Mark & R.A.M., Kent Installed Commanders and Mark Grand Stewards