After four and a half very successful years in the role, W.Bro. Brian Alan Ward, P.A.G.D.C., Provincial Grand Charity Steward, has asked to stand down to pursue other masonic duties.
As you will all know, Brian has been a key figure in the Province for many years and has served us with great distinction as part of the executive and the festival committee, delivering what can only be described as a truly amazing result. Brian’s term of office coincided with the last few years of the Kent Mark 2020 Festival, which raised £2,057,000, leading to Kent becoming the very first MBF Grand Patron Diamond Province. All 60 Mark Lodges and 22 R.A.M. Lodges achieved MBF Grand Patron Diamond Lodge status; the remaining 25 R.A.M. Lodges became MBF Grand Patron Gold Lodges, an achievement which remains unparalleled. His efforts in organising and encouraging Area Fundraisers was a major contributing factor to the magnificent total. Another major initiative was a drive to set up a 2020 Provincial Festival Awards scheme, to encourage all members of the Province to participate.
As well as being responsible for generating a considerable amount of money, amongst his greatest achievements are the number of local charities who have benefited from his petitions. His regular newsletters generated a steady stream of worthy causes seeking assistance. The largest of these was the donation of £158,970 from the Mark Benevolent Fund to the Kingfisher Medway Trust, to commission the building of a specially designed river cruiser for use on the River Medway by those with physical disabilities, mental health issues or long-term illnesses, which is to be launched later this year.
Brian is a multi-talented man with wide international interests, who has been an enormous asset to the Province, and whilst Brian is standing down I have no doubt he will be equally as successful in his forthcoming role as the Deputy District Grand Prefect, in the Kent District of the Allied Masonic Degrees.
Brian’s track record has been phenomenal and the entire Province owes him a huge debt of gratitude for all he has contributed and delivered. As Provincial Grand Master, I would like to personally thank Brian for his unstinting support, and to wish him every success as he takes on his new role.
Following Brian’s retirement, I am pleased to announce W.Bro. Philip Charles Clare, P.A.G.Swd.B. as his successor.
This appointment will take effect from 6th February 2022, and I look forward to investing Philip in the near future.
Phil will no doubt be very well known to you all and he is a senior and highly experienced Freemason. He was Initiated into Craft in January 1992, in the Builders of the Silent Cities Lodge No. 4948. He was Advanced into Mark in Loyalty Lodge No. 914 in 1996. He is also a member of a number of other Mark Lodges in Kent, and was also a Founder of the Middlesex Armed Forces Lodge No. 1999.
Phil was appointed to R.A.M.G.R. in 2011, and to the Mark Grand Rank of P.A.G.Swd.B. in 2020. Phil also holds the distinguished position as the Provincial Grand Summus for the Scarlet Cord, for the Province of Kent. He also holds senior ranks in a number of other progressive Orders.
I know that you will join me in offering our congratulations to Brian for an outstanding job as the Provincial Charity Steward, and to wish Philip every success with his new responsibilities.
R.W.Bro. Peter David Williams
Provincial Grand Master
Mark Province of Kent