Saturday 13th December saw doubly double special meetings of Bromley’s Temple Lodges of Royal Ark Mariners and Mark Master Masons.
Regular readers will already know of the recent successes of the Temple Lodges and following an efficient administrative meeting of the Royal Ark Mariner Lodge, attended by W.Bro. Trevor Sharpe – Assistant Provincial Grand Master and R.W.Bro. Archie Torrance – Past Provincial Grand Master, the Mark Lodge was opened by W.Bro. Simon Athwal – Worshipful Master.
After the reading of the minutes and before the entrance of the two candidates scheduled for a double Advancement ceremony, Brothers James and Ahmet, there was an unexpected knock at the door. Much to everyone’s suprise and pleasure this interlude in the planned procedings proved to be the arrival of R.W.Bro. Peter Williams – Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro. Martyn Summers – Deputy Provincial Grand Master and W.Bro. Stephen Hyland – Assistant Provincial Grand Master.
As you would expect it was a fantastic evening and all present witnessed an excellent ceremony carried out by the Master Simon Athwal and the rest of his accomplished officers.
After the first rising R.W.Bro. Peter took to the Chair for the second rising and proceded, again much to everyone’s surprise and delight, to carry out a field Appointment and invest Simon as a Provincial Grand Steward.
So special was the evening that the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, Martyn Summers, commented “In all my time in the Order I have never seen a field 1st Appointment it was really a unique event, the future looks extremely bright for Temple Mark and Royal Ark Mariner Lodges.”