As we reported in August, the Greenwich Mark and Royal Ark Mariner Lodges have been relaunched with a fine dining theme alongside an aspiration to deliver excellence in Ritual. Such were the concerns, that it was strongly suspected that the R.A.M. Lodge would not celebrate its Centenary. Now the futures of both units are secure.

As can be seen from the above selection of photographs from their concurrent meetings held in the Hong Kong Temple at Mark Masons’ Hall on Thursday 14th December both Lodges really have turned the tide.

At the Mark meeting both Mark Eyles-Thomas of Craft Lodge – Universal No. 8219 and Cesare Falcini of Craft Lodge – Social Friendship No. 497 were advanced. Mark is the Deputy Provincial Grand Master designate for the Masonic Province of West Kent and will be installed and invested in May 2018. Cesare is the nephew of Julian Trought, a member of the Greenwich Mark Lodge. As you would expect, both candidates were advanced in an exemplary manner by W Bro. Nic Baker and the officers of the Lodge.

The preceding Royal Ark Mariner meeting saw an amazing sixteen Joining members and has four candidates in the pipeline to be elevated.

Afterwards, an amazing fine-dining Festive Board was held in The Disraeli Room at the nearby Carlton Club in St James’s.

RW. Bro. Archie Torrance, a member of both Lodges, commented “This is a wonderful story for both the Mark and Royal Ark Mariner Lodges. The recovery project led by Perri Ahmet, and assisted by Scott Dunn, has breathed new life into them both. I am also truly grateful for those who became Joining Members as part of the recovery process”.

The next meeting is to be held on 12th April after which the members will be dining at The East India Club.