The evening of Wednesday March 4th 2020 saw our very own Provincial Grand Master, R.W. Bro. Archibald Iain Torrance installed into the Chair of Kent Mark Stewardsâ Lodge No 1691 at Gillingham’s Franklin Road centre, having been the only nominated candidate for the role and to the great acclaim of the Brethren present.
In our Festival year, it is truly fitting that our R. W. Bro. Archie, who has worked so tirelessly to drive the Province towards its minimum target of £1.25m, should take the Chair of this prestigious Service Lodge.
As well as giving out many MBF and Provincial awards, the PGM, as Worshipful Master, was also able to present the Lodge with the Festival Platinum Award, a tremendous achievement for such a large Lodge.
As we now count down to the Festival, the future looks very bright indeed!