We are delighted to inform you that our Province has qualified for both the Mark and Royal Ark Mariner Grand Master’s Keystone Fund.

Only a year after being announced, the Province of Kent has has qualified for both the Mark and Royal Ark Mariner Grand Master’s Keystone Funds and as such is entitled to display the above award recognitions.

At the Quarterly Communications in June 2023, the name and purpose of the ‘150th Anniversary Keystone Fund’ was changed to “The Grand Master’s Keystone Fund” to celebrate our Grand Master, M.W.Bro. H.R.H. Prince Michael of Kent, G.C.V.O. having given forty years of service to Mark Masonry.

Administered by the Mark Benevolent Fund Board of Trustees, the initial purpose of this new fund is to grant awards to individuals to offer encouragement and financial support with their educational, vocational, and sporting achievements.

Upon receiving the news from Mark Masons Hall our Provincial Grand Master, Peter Williams, commented: “I am delighted that our Province has qualified for both the Mark and Royal Ark Mariner awards. Being the second largest Province in the constitution this is no mean feat. I am particularly looking forward to hearing how these invaluable bursaries will positively impact on the individuals involved.”

As well as Provinces and Districts, both Lodges and Individuals can subscribe to the fund. The current levels of qualifying contribution are:

Individual Member: £100
Lodge: £25 per subscribing Member

More details can be found in the charity section of the Mark Masons Hall website.