Earlier this year and as part of our Provincial Membership Growth Strategy we completed a survey of our members under the age of 50, who are the future of our Province, to discover key information about how they felt regarding both the Mark Degree and the Province across a range of subjects.
One of the first questions that we asked was, “Has the Mark Degree met your expectations?”. We were delighted to learn that 93% said that it had either met or exceeded them.
Has the Mark Degree met your expectations?
Another interesting statistic was that 88% of respondents said that they joined Mark Masonry by way of an introduction or invitation. The remaining 12% joined as a result of their own research, meaning that they had heard about our friendly degree, were interested in joining and were just waiting to be asked to do so.
An age-old Masonic myth is that you are either Mark or Royal Arch. Interestingly, 80% of those surveyed said they were members of both. This undoubtedly helps them to better understand the broad landscape of Freemasonry, especially the interconnection between the Solomonic Degrees.
Finally, the survey enquired “What do you most enjoy about being a Mark Master Mason?” We compiled their answers in the form of a Word Cloud, which gives greater prominence to the more commonly used words.
Interesting results, although to those of us in the know not unexpected.
With such positive answers and a high satisfaction rating, isn’t it time that you told your brethren who are not yet in the know about our friendly degree, and invited them to discover the Six Key Reasons to become a Mark Master Mason.