Dear Brethren,
Following the latest announcement from the Government delaying the lifting of restrictions until at least the 19th July 2021, my senior executive and I have considered how this will impact on our plans for the resumption of masonic activities in Kent.
Our overriding desire is to protect the welfare of our members. Consequently, I have decided that the Local Suspension of all Mark and Royal Ark Mariner face to face meetings in the Province of Kent, will continue on beyond the 21st June 2021. I anticipate that we will be able to resume our activities with effect from the 19th of July 2021.
Whilst we understand that this decision is not ideal, we do hope that this will provide some certainty regarding future plans and that it will enable individual units to better prepare for the resumption of masonry.
If you have any questions regarding what this means for you or your Lodge, please contact the Provincial Grand Secretary for further advice. During the suspension you are encouraged to utilise Virtual Business Meetings and also virtual social get togethers.
Please do look after yourselves and keep in touch with the elderly and more vulnerable members of your Lodges to ensure they are okay.
Yours aye,
R.W.Bro. Archibald I. Torrance
Provincial Grand Master
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