As is the norm in even years, the 2018 Annual Provincial Meeting was once again held at Oakley House in Bromley on the customary last Saturday of September, with more than 430 Mark Masons in attendance. The honour of being the Banner Lodge on this occasion fell to the Westwood Lodge No. 1354.

Click here to view the second slideshow of photographs from the 2018 Annual General Meeting

The Provincial Grand Master, RW. Bro. Archie Torrance, presided supported by VW. Bro. David Green, Deputy Provincial Grand Master and Assistant Provincial Grand Masters VW. Bro. Fred Brown and W. Bro. Ian Gallehawk.

Distinguished visitors from as far away as Wales, Germany, Switzerland and The Netherlands as well as those from closer to home were warmly welcomed. The meeting was honoured by the presence of RW. Bro. Russell Race (2nd Grand Principal, Royal Arch); RW. Bro. Kessick Jones (Grand Master, Order of Royal and Select Masters); VW. Bro. Clive Manuel (Deputy Grand Master, Order of the Allied Masonic Degrees); W. Bro. Mark Estaugh (PGM/Grand Supt., West Kent); W. Bro. Neil Johnstone (PGM/Grand Supt-designate, East Kent) and many other Heads of Order from Kent.

The day marked the completion of 5 years in office for DPGM VW. Bro. David Green, who had previously served a further 5 years as APGM. The Provincial Grand Master thanked VW. Bro. David for his dedication and hard work in serving the Province for many years and expressed his gratitude that he will continue to support the Province in the key role of 2020 Festival Chairman.

The usual business of the meeting was handled efficiently with both Lodges and individual brethren recognised for their contributions to the 2020 Festival. As has become the custom 33 of the brethren who had been Advanced over the past twelve months were personally welcomed into the degree by the Provincial Grand Master and presented with a special token; and, of course, those members who were being recognised with active rank, past provincial promotions or first appointments were invested by the Provincial Grand Master, which included the investiture of VW. Bro. Fred Brown as Deputy Provincial Grand Master and W. Bro. Perri Ahmet as Assistant Provincial Grand Master.

An amazing 350 brethren then sat down to dine at the festive board, which was again enhanced by the presentation of excellent rum-laced cakes by VW Bro Jerry Gangadeen, PAPGM for the Province of London.

After the meeting, and whilst the room was being prepared for the packed festive board, the Provincial Grand Master presented James London – Chairman of the Kent County Priory Group of the Order of St John with the keys to a brand new St. John Ambulance Patient Treatment Centre for the use of the charity here in the county. More details of which can be found here.

After a typically convivial Mark meal the brethren made their way home to the four quarters of the Province and beyond.
Photos by Chris Eley