With the year ending in an odd number, the 2019 Annual Provincial Meeting was once again held at Margate’s Winter Gardens on the customary last Saturday of September.
The honour of being the Banner Lodge on this occasion fell to the Dover and Cinque Ports Lodge of MMM No.152.
The Provincial Grand Master, RW. Bro. Archie Torrance, presided supported by VW. Bro. Fred Brown, Deputy Provincial Grand Master and Assistant Provincial Grand Masters W. Bro. Ian Gallehawk and W. Bro. Perri Ahmet.
The distinguished visitors, including Brethren from as far away as Ireland as well as those from closer to home were warmly welcomed.
The Brethren stood to order whilst the Provincial Grand Chaplain said a valedictory prayer for those Brethren who had passed to higher service during the year, after which the hymn The Day Thou Gavest Lord Is Ended was sung.
The usual business of the meeting (see below) was efficiently dealt with in the well attended Kings Hall with Lodges and individual Brethren being recognised for their contributions to the 2020 Festival, newly Advanced Brethren being personally welcomed into the degree by the Provincial Grand Master and presented with a special token, as well as members being recognised with active rank, past provincial promotions or first appointments.
The Kent Mark 2020 Festival received a boost when the Provincial Grand Master was presented with six donations totalling more than £30,000, namely:
Masonic Province of East Kent £10,000
Masonic Province of West Kent £10,000
Knights Templar Kent £4,250
Mark Province of Lincolnshire £3,000
Mark Province of Sussex £3,000
Kent Mark Wardensâ Mess £535
Before closing Provincial Grand Lodge the Provincial Grand Master gave his customary annual address to the assembled Brethren.
After a typically convivial Mark Festive Board in the Queen’s Hall, the Brethren made their way home to the four quarters of the province and beyond.
The day’s Order of Proceedings can be downloaded here.