We are delighted to announce that the 2021 Mike Baker Memorial Lecturer will be W.Bro. John Shervington MBBS MRCOG P.Prov.G.Reg. Prov.R.A.M.G.R., who is also Assistant to our Provincial Grand Almoner.
This second Lecture in the series is entitled ‘What Can A Caring Province Learn From Florence Nightingale?’ and will take place online, by means of a virtual platform, on Wednesday 25th August 2021.
Recognised as the founder of modern nursing, Florence Nightingale was also a renowned social reformer and statistician.
Speaking to John about what we can expect from his forthcoming lecture, he commented “My aim is to inform and entertain by not only reviewing Florence’s life as mother of modern nursing, but also how her thoughts and ideas are as relevant today, as they were visionary in the 19th century, especially considering the current Pandemic”.
The sad loss of W.Bro. Michael Leonard (Mike) Baker P.A.G.D.C. in April 2020 deprived Freemasonry of one of its most creative, talented and hardworking advocates. With the kind permission of Mike’s widow, Tina, the Mark Province of Kent has introduced an annual lectureship in Mike’s memory.