As I write this message to you at Easter, I am saddened that a number of members of our Province have died in recent weeks and our prayers go out to their families and loved ones at this time. We also pray for the recovery of those who are ill and the safety of those who are so far unaffected. May you find moments of peace, and even joy, during these difficult times.

On the evening of Maundy Thursday, during the last supper, Jesus gave his disciples a new commandment, that they love one and other. Afterwards, Jesus and his disciples went to the Mount of Olives to pray. While there, Jesus was arrested by the temple authorities and his disciples ran away. We know that the next day, Good Friday, Jesus was tortured to death on the cross while the disciples kept their heads down.

During his trial Jesus was asked “What is truth?”
I doubt if any religion has a monopoly on truth, and as Christians begin to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection, other faiths will be celebrating, or preparing to celebrate, their important Holy Days.

We are all going through our own Good Friday experience at the moment, but there will eventually be an end to the coronavirus pandemic. In the meantime we need to prepare for an extended period of isolation of months rather than just weeks. However, just as Easter followed Good Friday, so a joyous time will come when we can meet together safely again.

I love Easter at church, but this year it is going to be a very private and reflective time at home. However, I’ve bought Easter eggs for Easter egg hunts and church services which will eventually happen. Easter may come late, but it will eventually come.

Many of you will remember a particular ‘Easter’ bunny that was raffled in aid of the Hope For Tomorrow charity. He’s just planted out his Easter garden and now he’s ‘taking guard’ over his Easter eggs!

God bless you all.

V. W. Bro Revd. Howard Pashley
Provincial Grand Chaplain