The Meeting held on 24th March 2016 was a busy and eventful evening and brought to a conclusion another successful year for the Lodge.
Not only did the Brethren welcome Advancee, Bro Tony Cole but in doing so witnessed an excellent Ceremony, so much so that the Worshipful Master, WBro Jon Meyer was to learn he had achieved the Silver Pin Award.
Although WBro Jon did not know of his achievement immediately after the Ceremony he acknowledged at the Festive Board the support and commitment of the Officers throughout the year to enable him to attempt the Silver Pin.
The Lodge was also pleased to receive the Provincial Grand Charity Steward, WBro Ian Gallehawk to receive the 2020 Festival Silver Award Certificate.
W.Bro Ian thanked the Worshipful Master and brethren on behalf of the Provincial Grand Master and the Festival Fund Raising Committee and outlined the important work of the Mark Benevolent Fund.
With social events planned for 2016 and beyond the Lodge is focussed on raising further monies for the 2020 Festival and in doing so having fun.