Gillingham’s United Service Mark Lodge had a very challenging Installation Meeting on November 13th.
The Lodge received an official visit from Assistant Provincial Grand Master, W. Bro. Ian Gallehawk. While this is not, of itself, a challenge, the Lodge was struck with a wave of ill health, which resulted in numbers for the meeting being considerably reduced.
With Bro. Tony Wyles being present and ready to be advanced, it was important that the offices were filled. So it was that, with 10 minutes notice, W. Bro. Ian took the Chair and members of the delegation filled the vacant offices, including W. Bro. Barry Cleaves taking the key role of Senior Deacon.
Bro. Tony was then advanced to the Honourable Degree of Mark Master Mason in a hastily arranged but extremely dignified ceremony. At the conclusion, W. Bro. Ian was relieved that there is no process for the return of silver pins of excellence!
W. Bro. Grant Reeves was then proclaimed as Master for the ensuing year. With two candidates lined up for advancement. W. Bro. Grant and his officers will have plenty of work on their hands.
It is excellent to see so many new candidates becoming Mark Masons and sharing in this most enjoyable of Degrees. Many congratulations to United Service Mark on its currently successful recruitment activities. A good example to all Mark Masons, if your Lodge and Chapter members are not Mark Masons, make sure they know all about us and understand how welcome they will be to join the Friendly Degree.