Through their wonderfully harmonious endeavours, the other Masonic Orders active here in the County of Kent have come together in unity and brotherly love to practise charity in support of our 2020 Festival.
To date every one of the Kent orders above have either donated or pledged significant charitable contributions to our 152nd Annual Festival for the Mark Benevolent Fund (MBF).
Upon receiving the latest contribution, this time from the newly appointed Provincial Grand Summus of the Order of the Scarlet Cord – Rt. Dist. Comp. Phil Clare, our Provincial Grand Master, RW. Bro. Archie Torrance, commented “There has been brilliant support from the other Orders in Kent for which I am truly grateful. It is clear that there are excellent working relationships between the different Orders here in the county, which are based on friendship, mutual understanding and respect. I am really optimistic that 2020 will be a wonderful Festival for the MBF.”
The wonderful work of the MBF can be clearly seen here in Kent such as Caron, the Hope for Tomorrow mobile chemotherapy unit, and the ongoing St. John Ambulance vehicle replacement programme.
Recently two local charities the Multiple Sclerosis Therapy Centre in Canterbury and SERV Kent Blood Bikes received combined donations of more than £32,000, to refurbish two hyperbaric oxygen chambers and a replacement service vehicle plus equipment respectively.
Don’t forget that the 2020 Festival will culminate in an amazing finale evening at the unique Kent Event Centre in Detling on Saturday 13th June 2020. If you haven’t returned your booking forms yet, don’t delay.