Our Annual Provincial Meeting took place on Saturday 24th September 2022 at the Clive Emson Conference Centre in Detling.
The Brethren were called to order to receive the distinguished Brethren and past members of the Provincial Executive including Right Worshipful Brothers, Roland Wade, Roger Croucher, and Archie Torrance – the first time in the history of the Province that three Past Provincial Grand Masters had been in attendance.
The meeting was called to order by V.W.Bro. Ivor Spencer, the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, (in his last official duty before standing down from office) to receive the Provincial Officers of the year accompanying the Assistant Provincial Grand Masters; the Deputy Provincial Grand Master; and the Provincial Grand Master – R.W.Bro. Peter Williams.
Provincial Grand Lodge was opened in due form by the Provincial Grand Master and the Brethren stood in silence as a mark of respect for the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Those present remembered the Brethren who had passed to the Grand Lodge above since the last annual meeting.
The Provincial Grand Master then individually welcomed the many representatives of other Provinces and Masonic Orders. He proceeded to Appoint and Invest the Provincial Grand Lodge Officers for the year, including re-appointing W.Bro. Martyn Summers as Deputy Provincial Grand Master, and W.Bros. David Stiff and Trevor Sharpe as Assistant Provincial Grand Masters, and amongst others W.Bro. Chris Metherell, P.Prov.G.J.W. as the new Provincial Director of Ceremonies.
R.W.Bro. Peter then Master addressed Provincial Grand Lodge during which he presented W.Bro. Perri Ahmet with a Past Deputy Provincial Grand Master’s collarette and jewel thanking him for all he has done for the Province over many years.
He also had much pleasure in presenting W.Bro. Terry Hall of Royal Oak Lodge with a Royal Ark Mariner Silver Pin of Excellence.
In closing the Provincial Grand Master congratulated those Brethren who received Appointment or Promotion in Grand Lodge in June and September; as well as all those he Appointed or Promoted on the day. The meeting was then called to order and closed in due form.
After the regular business, but before Provincial Grand Lodge had been concluded the Provincial Grand Master welcomed many newly Advanced Brethren thanking them for their support for Provincial Grand Lodge and wishing them many happy years to enjoy their Mark Masonry. They can be seen above, assembled after the meeting with the Provincial Grand Master. Each had received from him a specially struck, enamel Kent Mark token.