Sod That For A Game Of Soldiers

As is the norm at the June meeting of Kent Installed Mark Masters Lodge No.999 the Worshipful Master, currently W.Bro. Martyn Summers – Deputy Provincial Grand Master, organises a talk for the entertainment and enlightenment of the members and their guests. On...

Thousands Forked Out For KMBF

Congratulations to our Provincial Communications Manager, Robin Evans, who arrived in Paris on the afternoon of Saturday 8th June, after having set off from London by bike on the previous Wednesday morning. Day one took him a total of 86 miles from Blackheath Common...

Triple Elevation At Manor Of Chatham

Monday 29th April saw a unique event in the Mark Province of Kent, when three Brothers – Shawn Roberts, Steve Maxwell & Dean Cartwright – were Elevated in the same ceremony at the eponymous Manor Of Chatham Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners. L-R W.Bro. Steve...

A Most Peculiar Group Of Masons

It is strange that when we join Freemasonry, we know little about what we are really getting into. Yet we soon begin to form peculiar circles of like-minded individuals with whom we grow and develop. When we attain our first chair we then form another circle amongst...